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June Summary

R.I.P, Kenzie

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Kenzie. She was rescued in April 2024 when she was seen crawling on her front paws (

The car accident that left her paraplegic happened when Kenzie was still a puppy. The more she grew, the more deformed her hind legs became.

Diana tried everything. When she was informed that Kenzie’s injuries are permanent and to consider euthanasia, Diana sought a second opinion, went to a specialist and had Kenzie undergo an MRI.

In the meantime, she researched into doggie-wheelchairs and her friend, Jack Muburak, built one for Kenzie. As you can see, Kenzie was startled when she first tried it out. Slowly over the past few weeks, she was becoming used to it and enjoying her walks with shelter staff.

In the few weeks since Kenzie was rescues, she slept in warm sheets, ate well and relished the attention of Diana and shelter staff. We hoped that we could care for her until she dies by herself. But the bones of the spine had been badly broken and they are severely twisting her back, causing pain that would only get worse down the line. The kindest thing was to end Kenzie’s suffering and let her rest.


Diana's Yard

Diana is busier than she has ever been; waking up at 5:30 every day and no days off, taking care of and cleaning up after her mini-zoo, going to work, coming home to take care of her elderly mother and the house and trying to secure donations to cover all the expenses of the shelter.

Here is a slideshow of ALL of the animals in Diana’s yard and garage. You can help Diana directly by fostering or adopting any of the animals listed below:




OR you can donate via



This poor male puppy was found by a friend in the cemetery of Al Khader. She called Diana late at night. Diana told her to put him in a room until morning. Then Diana sent a taxi to bring the puppy to vet Mohammad. The puppy had scabies, ticks, pale white gums and low blood work. He was so dehydrated.  Dr. Mohammed treated the ticks and gave him fluid. Diana brought him to her home for the night because she had found an Association to sponsor his case. The poor puppy ate a lot, drank, slept peacefully and played with Diana despite his poor condition.

This morning, his kidneys stopped functioning and he died unexpectedly. Such a friendly puppy, he did not deserve his suffering. We take comfort knowing that he died safe and surrounded by love, instead of cold and alone in the cemetery.


This Pitbull belonged to someone who used him for guarding. However, the dog didn't bark or act protectively as expected. The owner then contacted Diana to find the dog a new home.

Knowing this breed can be challenging to place, Diana reached out to Pitbull rescue associations in Israel. Thankfully, they agreed to take the dog! Diana arranged a taxi to transport him to a boarding facility where the association will care for him until they find a perfect forever home.


Lucillia, a sweet puppy, was found living near an apartment building. Residents complained about her searching for scraps in the trash. While one resident found her friendly, they couldn't keep her and contacted us for help. Sadly, another resident abandoned Lucillia by throwing her out in the fields. Thankfully, our worker found her after searching the area.

We took Lucillia to the vet for a checkup, vaccinations, deworming, and flea treatment. She's playful and friendly, and available to adopt (or foster!).


A young woman noticed a puppy around 6 months old who seemed weak and sick recently. He wasn't eating and itching himself. We tried to catch him today, but unfortunately, he was too weak to move.

Diana managed to catch him, and we discovered a severe tick infestation on his ears and body. Diana contacted the vet for help, but tragically, the puppy passed away within 30 minutes.

We're heartbroken we arrived too late. Rest in peace, little one.


This male mixed German shepherd dog belonged to a family Diana knows in Bethlehem. They asked Diana to take him last year because they could no longer take care of him, so Diana took him to the shelter. A few days later, the family changed their minds and asked to take him back.

But a short time later they dumped him on the streets again. For almost a year, he was a stray and would often roam around his former family’s home. Diana spoke to one of his owners, asking them to let her know when he is back in their yard, which they did. Diana sent a taxi to send the dog straight to the vet because Diana had seen him many times eating from the trash and his face was covered in ticks. He received treatment, vaccinations and will be fixed.


A tiny ball of fur was all alone in a deserted building. His whimpers caught the attention of a kind-hearted person, who immediately contacted a friend for help. Unfortunately, the friend couldn't assist, but they knew just who to call – us!

We dispatched Steve, one of our dedicated team members, who wasted no time in grabbing a taxi and racing to the rescue. The poor pup was safely retrieved and whisked away to the vet for a checkup. The vet gave him a clean bill of health, treated him for fleas, and administered his first round of vaccinations.

This little guy is now safe and sound, thanks to the chain of compassion. We'll be sure to find him a loving forever home where he'll never be alone and scared again.


Friend of the shelter, Saeed, was providing food for this stray female dog in Al Azariyyeh. One day, he saw her in his field, barely moving. She had been hit by a car and sustained severe internal injuries and a broken spine. Saeed brought her to @alburaq_veterinary_centre where she received treatment. She was sent to another clinic for X-rays. But her old age and injuries were too much to overcome, and she died. RIP, old girl. We're sorry you had to go this way.


Elf is a 3 month old puppy was rescued from under a car. He was hiding under a car the whole day. People wanted him to move so they can use their car, but Elf wouldn't move. Then they kicked him a broom stick but Elf still wouldn't move, so a lady messaged Diana to get him from under the car. She sent a taxi with our worker and he rescued Elf so easily with no resistance

Elf is treated for fleas and worms. He also received his first shot. Elf needs a FOSTER or ADOPTION home.


Arkady was found one evening when, while driving, Diana heard a tiny meow. Following the sound, Diana discovered a scared, one-month-old Arkady nestled near a trash container. His eyes were crusted shut, and he cried pitifully.

Diana took Arkady home. After gently cleaning his eyes and providing some care, the little guy began to show more signs of life. He eagerly lapped up water and devoured some wet food, clearly famished and thirsty. Since then he has stayed with Diana, who continues to administer Arkady's eye drops each day.


Anfisa A shopkeeper friend of Diana’s in Bethlehem found this kitten, Anfisa, next to his shop, severely dehydrated and struggling to walk.

Diana sent a taxi to take Anfisa to the vet where she was hospitalized for 2 days. Now she is at Diana’s home until she recovers and is ready for adoption.


Shirin, Nisrin and Cyrus, Anfisa and Arkady are still blighted by eye and skin problems. These little ones wouldn't have stood a chance on the streets, but Diana provided them with a safe haven and provides daily treatment for their ailments.

For more specialized treatment, Diana brought Shrin, Nisrin and Cyrus to the skilled veterinarian, Dr. Layan Tawil, in Beit Sahour. While there, Cyrus received surgery to remove one of his eyes, and all the kittens were treated for their skin issues and eye infections.

Back at home in Diana's secure yard, these precious felines are no longer facing the harsh realities of life on the streets. They have comfortable spots to rest, a steady supply of food and water, and most importantly, Diana's unwavering dedication. She ensures they receive their medication twice a day, helping them heal and regain their strength.

This heartwarming story exemplifies the power of compassion. Diana's selfless act has given these vulnerable kittens a second chance at a happy and healthy life.

__________________________________________________________________________________A friend of Diana's found themselves feeding a stray mother dog and her 8 puppies. Unfortunately, 4 of them died when they were hit by a car and 2 were stolen. Diana sent her workers to collect the remaining 2 puppies and their mother from where they were sheltering and bring them to the safety of the shelter.

These two little survivors received all their vaccinations, flea and deworming treatments, and a refreshing bath thanks to Diana and her friend's care. Along with their mum and another rescued dog named Elf, whom Diana had taken in just a week ago, they went to their first adoption event. Mum and Elf found foster homes.


International Adoptions

Valan was one of six puppies rescued from Hebron, born in February 2023. While his siblings have found their forever homes mere weeks after they arrived there, Valan was left behind to grow up at the shelter.

That is, until 5 months ago when @GiovanniTucci from Italy saw Valan’s pictures and fell in love. Diana took care of all of the arrangements (blood test, travel documents, etc.). Friend of the shelter, Judith, escorted Valan to the airport then all the way to Rome where Giovanni and his father were to meet them.

Valan is settling into his new home with his rowdy foster brothers. He is a bit shy but is slowly getting used to being in a loving home with a forever human.

Thank you, Giovanni for giving Valan a chance, and Judith for helping to bring them together.


This is a heartwarming story about three dogs from the Shelter finding a loving home in the USA! Here's a summary:

  • Three lucky pups: Goofy, Denali, and Edwina, all rescued puppies from Bethlehem, are adopted by Renee Meyer and her husband.

  • Denali's escape: Denali initially escapes the flight volunteer and spends two weeks at your house.

  • New transport solution: Renee connected with Terminal 4 Pets, a company specializing in pet transportation without their owners.

  • Journey to airport: Diana and our workers, helped Diana to give them a nice bath and prepare their crates.

  • Long journey home: 

  • Renee pays extra for a safe flight with Terminal 4 Pets.

  • The dogs are prepped for travel at your shelter.

  • Renee and a friend drive 15 hours to pick them up in New York.

  • They stop overnight at a friend's place before continuing the drive home.

  • Happy ending: The dogs arrive exhausted but safe. Denali, initially shy, starts playing with the others.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this adoption a success:

  • Renee, her husband, and friend

  • Terminal 4 Pets

  • Dr. Rani Abdul Rahman and other vets (Mohammad and Jalil)

They all look like they're settling in quite well. Edwina and Goofy have not stopped playing since they arrived, while Denali is getting cosy in her bed.  Thank you, Renee, for giving 3 dogs their happiest possible ending in a loving warm home


Valan was one of six puppies rescued from Hebron, born in February 2023. While his siblings have found their forever homes mere weeks after they arrived there, Valan was left behind to grow up at the shelter.

That is, until 5 months ago when @GiovanniTucci from Italy saw Valan’s pictures and fell in love. Diana took care of all of the arrangements (blood test, travel documents, etc.). Friend of the shelter, Judith, escorted Valan to the airport then all the way to Rome where Giovanni and his father were to meet them.

Valan is settling into his new home with his rowdy foster brothers. He is a bit shy but is slowly getting used to being in a loving home with a forever human.

Thank you, Giovanni for giving Valan a chance, and Judith for helping to bring them together.


Flight Volunteer to BOSTON (or North East USA) needed!!

For many months, Linda and Choco have both had places waiting for them at the Cat Sanctuary in Massachusetts, USA. They live in limbo in Diana’s yard, waiting for a volunteer to take them there.

If you are, or if you know anyone who has a flight booked, and is willing to escort a couple of kitties from a war zone, please Whatsapp Diana +972 59-522-1771

ALL extra costs and labour are covered by us. All you have to do is meet us at the airport to check the cats in then hand them to our volunteer after you land.


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